Have a nice journey back home, Zeena. You are our first graduate student. Thank you for being a wonderful student.
Faten, me, Zeena and Anas |
Faten, Zeena, A.P. Dr. Mohd. Zamrin and Anas |
Faten, Zeena, A.P. Dr. Mohd. Zamrin and Hassan |
Fatin, me, Zeena and Hassan |
These are her list of output:
- Zinah Rajab Hussein, Rahmita Wirza Rahmat, Lili Nurliyana, M. Iqbal Saripan and Mohd. Zamrin Dimon, Quantitative Detection of Left Ventricular Wall Motion Abnormality by Two-Dimensional Echocardiography, Computer and Information Science Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2010.
- Zinah Rajab Hussein, Rahmita Wirza Rahmat, Lili Nurliyana, M. Iqbal Saripan and Mohd. Zamrin Dimon, Pre-processing Importance for Extracting Contours from Noisy Echocardiagraphic Images, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, vol. 9., No. 3, March 2009, pp 134-137
- Zinah Rajab Hussein, Rahmita Wirza Rahmat, Lili Nurliyana Abdullah, M. Iqbal Saripan, Mohd Zamrin Dimon, Contours Extraction of Echocardiographic Images based on Pre-processing, Advanced Technology Congress 2009,(ATCi 2009), Malaysia, 2009
- Zinah Alussi, Rahmita Wirza, D.M. Zamrin, Echocardiograph Imaging, The Influence of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis on Echocardiograph Interpretation Informatics, released by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2010-10-29)-ISBN-13:978-3-8433-58788-1
- Zinah Rajab Hussein, Rahmita Wirza Rahmat, Lili Nurliyana Abdullah, M Iqbal Saripan, D M Zamrin, Improved and Qualitative Detection of The Left Ventricular Wall Motion Using Optical Flow, The 12th Annual Scientific Meeting, Malaysian Association for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Kuala Lumpur, 9-10 October 2009