The main aim of this project is to incorporate and utilize new technology “Augmented Reality” in order to develop an Interactive Augmented Reality application that can be implement in the universities and colleges with the aim of increase the level of understanding of the target student to particular area due to visualization from different point of view will offer the ability for students to observe real world objects through a hand held display or normal camera, and able to see virtual content superimposed over the real environment. Learning through direct experience is considered to be more effective than just passively receiving information. Augmented Reality is used to create interactive application with the dynamic contents combination with present visual and audio information to users. Augmented Reality is a low-cost technology that enables the merging of printed materials with dynamic computer graphics. In this paper we introduced a basic platform of collaborative learning using Augmented Reality approach which known as Magic Book that connected traditional books with virtual content in real time specially design for Medical students. The book stays like it is where showing text explaining about cardiology and 2 dimensional images as guideline. What really has shown the difference between a magic book and traditional book is that magic book can be extended by 3D-content. If one uses the Magic Book in combination with a standard-PC, and a webcam, virtual 3D-content appears on the marker over the pages of the book. This content can be turned intuitively and watched from all sides like a real object. Hence, we do not need to imagine.There are three sections for this magic book. Each section is attached with different objects. First section will be displaying the 3 dimensional heart models. The second section will be displaying the blood circulation animation and for the last section, a video showing a patient undergoes heart surgery will be displayed. Each section will have its own marker to be differentiated on which object to be loaded on which marker. This magic book fascinate medical practitioner (heart surgeon and cardiologist), once we showed them. This is our pilot study before we proceed to apply Augmented Reality on training future heart surgeon.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Marker, Interactive Learning.<ICEE2011>